gallery of tastes — a sold out hit!
"Truly an amazing, dare I say magical experience!"
Good people, good food, and art are a potent combination that can spark change, whether in someone’s day, in a community’s general health, or in the way we consume. Our hope is to create a positive impact through Capizzo whenever possible.
In the words of the Chef -
“The concept behind this businesses is both simple and complicated. It’s simple because my approach is quite literally to just be intentional with every step of creating a meal, from the way I cook to how I serve food.
Local produce is the focus of each dish in an effort to support farmers in our community. A single plate to eat four courses from is meant to cut down on water waste, prioritize sustainability, and reimagine the way we consume elevated food. Family style serving is also meant to cultivate conversation and a sense of community.
Fermented ingredients are used to illustrate our ability to transform flavors and properties with one simple ingredient, in this case salt. Fermented ingredients are also included so that I can speak to the possibilities of transforming a single vegetable into medicine, food for the healthy bacteria in your gut. Like I said, a simple concept and yet complicated.
Food can be medicine, for the body, the mind, the soul, the earth, and the community. My hope is that my cooking and sharing of food is always medicine in some form for you and your community. And that I can teach you something through a shared meal, and that you can teach me something.”
Our Next show is right around the corner

I'm delighted to announce a new show showcasing the Capizzo debut of a Kendall College trained watercolor artist and all new work by one of our longtime local favorites working in an altogether new medium. In addition to spotlighting these two, on display will be 100% never-before-shown works throughout. The show on view through October 1st.
“Fabulous Capizzo Studio provided a wonderful art in residence experience and a incredible art show opening, my heart is full of gratitude. Some of the paintings I created inspired by this beautiful land are now available for purchase at Capizzo Studio. Thank you. Such a incredible time as a artist in residence, thank you for all team at fab @capizzostudio to host my art, for music, wine, delicious food and thank you to all amazing people brought so much joy, dance and laughter. I m so thankful and honored. Thank you, Saugatuck for so much ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ”

the new capizzzo studio is now available for rent!
Would you — or do you know one who would — appreciate a great space to let their creatives juices flow? Weekend $250, Weekly $400, and Monthly $1,000. Rentals are a great gift to yourself or for that special person.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at info@capizzostudio.com