Kim Kubiak
Kim Kubiak spent her early years in the Social Services field encouraging others in their artistic gifts. Over time Kim found herself drawn to the art world and following her own teachings of growth and self-discovery, setting out to explore and express her inner artist. Twenty-seven years ago, she visited Saugatuck Michigan and was drawn to its history of artisans, and decided make Saugatuck her home too.
After experimenting with several mediums, Kim ultimately found working with her hands in clay was where Kim belongs. "As if the clay was waiting for me!"
Wheel throwing, hand building and carving are the main techniques Kim uses to create her pottery. The finishing processes includes an electric kiln with glazing, pit fire with wood or the Native American smoking process which produces a rich black finish. These various combinations help create great diversity and in turn allows Kim to explore her own creative force through the medium of pottery.
Along with studying with master potters locally , Kim also studied at Arrowmont School of Art in Gatlinburg Tennessee and Odyssey Center for Ceramic Art in Asheville N.C.
After doing the art fair scene for a few years, an opportunity presented itself to open up her own art gallery, Kubiak Gallery, in Douglas Michigan, 2007- 2016. The Gallery had over 40 artists, with her wheel there allowing Kim to work. Kim offered clay classes and other ways to create.
"I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy creating it, sipping out of one of my cups to enjoying the free form of my sculpture."